In addition to Vortex Locksmiths complete locksmith service, is a unique fully equipped Security Engineering and Fabrications Department.
Apart from manufacturing security door grilles, security window grilles, security gates and secure storage cages, we also provide an engineering fabrications service.
This department serves to repair or modify your existing items. This department will also custom fabricate a wide range of components and items that are not available on the market today. Items are custom fabricated to meet your specific security requirements including:
Custom Lock Boxes
Blocker Plates
Lock Bolts
Lock Modifications
Door Modifications
Gate Modifications
Gate & Door Guards
Gate Repairs and Bracing
Security Mesh Installations
Garage Door Security Modifications
Protective Security Components
Safe Modifications, Service and Repairs
Safe Stands and Wall Mounts
Antique Lock Service and Repairs
Secure Storage Cages
Storage Cage Modifications
Wall Brackets and Fixtures
Wall & Floor Anchors
Bike Racks and Security Fixtures
Stair Railings
Plus Many More Items and Components